Uses of Class

Uses of CellSpan in net.sf.jeppers.grid

Methods in net.sf.jeppers.grid that return CellSpan
 CellSpan DefaultSpanModel.getSpanOver(int row, int column)
 CellSpan SpanModel.getSpanOver(int row, int column)
          Return the span over the cell at row, column.

Methods in net.sf.jeppers.grid with parameters of type CellSpan
 void DefaultSpanModel.addSpan(CellSpan span)
 void DefaultSpanModel.removeSpan(CellSpan span)
 void AbstractSpanModel.fireCellSpanAdded(CellSpan newSpan)
          Notifies all SpanModelListeners that registered themselves as listeners for this SpanModel that a span was added
 void AbstractSpanModel.fireCellSpanRemoved(CellSpan removedSpan)
          Notifies all SpanModelListeners that registered themselves as listeners for this SpanModel that a span was removed